by Rananda | Feb 28, 2022 | Productivity
For several years, I’ve followed the same few steps whenever I sign up for a Lead Magnet. They’re those freebies you normally get in exchange for handing over your email address, like a pdf or an e-book. As a copywriter, I find them fascinating, but as a person they...
by Rananda | Feb 12, 2021 | Business, Hard Work, Mental Health, Productivity, Writing
Photo by Jack Hamilton on Unsplash As writers, we’re encouraged to avoid the smorgasbord of clichés when cooking up our next piece of copy or simmering in our creative juices. Yet several corny chestnuts have stood me in good stead during the indigestion-inducing mess...
by Rananda | Nov 15, 2020 | Hard Work, Productivity
One of my secret hobbies is catastrophizing. And I love dystopian books. I find them handy how-to guides. I’m a self-taught gardener in case supply chains collapse or supermarkets empty (even though that could never ever happen, right…). Between you and me, I’m a...